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Time changes and with it the technology
Proxmark3 @ discord

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#1 2023-08-07 08:39:01

Registered: 2023-07-24
Posts: 2

Terrible feedback and tech support

Sorry for my English

1. This official forum is awful. Everyone can create a new topic and a topic designed as some kind of request to technical support. Of course, no one will answer the same questions in dozens of similar topics, which is what we see. Instead of having a few basic topics such as FAQ, Introduction, Device Discussion, Firmware discussion, Help for beginners, Communication with experienced users - we see this nightmare and complete chaos. At the same time, you block the opportunity to continue the discussion and answer questions. Why?!

2. The Youtube video on Iceman's channel, Dangerous Things, contains little structured information. A lot of words and little useful action. At the same time, only on Youtube we can ask you direct questions and get meager advice.

3. The invitation to Discord on your sites has long been outdated. The feeling that this is done intentionally so that new users do not interfere with more experienced ones. The only problem is that there is no structured and structured information for new users. All the information is scattered across different resources, on different Youtube channels, where there is a huge confusion due to different firmware, installation instructions for outdated and broken software.


#2 2023-08-15 20:35:55

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,519

Re: Terrible feedback and tech support

This is the introduction....


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