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#1 2019-08-13 04:56:03

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

[blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

Here is the link to the Android app RRG RFID Tools

I am not the developer behind, it was made by a chinese talented guy.  The app has its own compilation of the RRG / Iceman repo,  because well,  chinese firewall.  That matchup kind of badly implemented as it now,   it will need to be merged into the RRG / Iceman repo.   I don't have access to the android app source code either.   There was a limit in firmware version must match builtin,  that needs to be sorted out aswell.

Its a rushed out version for DEFCON release, so its bound to have bugs. From what I tested at DEFCON,  when the app hanged,  I just restarted it.

Take in consideration that BT serial is 115200 bauds.  its slow.   Don't issue several commands in a row by pushing the easy buttons. 

Other than that,  the app is an nice smooth experience when running with the blue shark.  It feels nice.

   Finding the right bluetooth device inside Wireless village when they were running the WCTF,  was an experience.  smile

Ref … g.nfctools

Hard link to RRG


#2 2019-08-13 05:05:55

Registered: 2019-05-13
Posts: 4

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

There seems to be a bug in the newly released app that makes the app crash every time on startup on some devices.

I'm getting a

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in '/data/data/cn.rrg.nfctools/.jiagu/' 

Don't quote me on that but my superficial research hints to this being a problem only with 64-bit architectures??

Thank you very much for all your efforts and the amazing work you are putting in this app and the proxmark3 in general!

I'm super excited to trying out this app!

Last edited by theguy@thetty (2019-08-13 06:12:24)


#3 2019-08-13 05:10:10

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

We all are super excited to get this app working properly!


#4 2019-08-13 05:47:04

Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 14

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

theguy@thetty wrote:

There seems to be a bug in the newly released app that makes the app crash every time on startup on some devices.

I'm getting a

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in '/data/data/cn.rrf.nfctools/.jiagu/' 

Don't quote me on that but my superficial research hints to this being a problem only with 64-bit architectures??

Thank you very much for all your efforts and the amazing work you are putting in this app and the proxmark3 in general!

I'm super excited to trying out this app!

I'm on an Samsung SM-G965U S9+ USA running Android 9

Same thing Force close.


#5 2019-08-13 07:26:49

Registered: 2019-05-13
Posts: 4

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

theguy@thetty wrote:

There seems to be a bug in the newly released app that makes the app crash every time on startup on some devices.

I'm getting a

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in '/data/data/cn.rrg.nfctools/.jiagu/' 

Don't quote me on that but my superficial research hints to this being a problem only with 64-bit architectures??

Thank you very much for all your efforts and the amazing work you are putting in this app and the proxmark3 in general!

I'm super excited to trying out this app!

According to a Twitter post from RRG this issue has been fixed and the new app will be available on Google Playstore within the next few days! … 75361?s=19


#6 2019-08-13 18:22:45

Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 14

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

theguy@thetty wrote:
theguy@thetty wrote:

There seems to be a bug in the newly released app that makes the app crash every time on startup on some devices.

I'm getting a

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in '/data/data/cn.rrg.nfctools/.jiagu/' 

Don't quote me on that but my superficial research hints to this being a problem only with 64-bit architectures??

Thank you very much for all your efforts and the amazing work you are putting in this app and the proxmark3 in general!

I'm super excited to trying out this app!

According to a Twitter post from RRG this issue has been fixed and the new app will be available on Google Playstore within the next few days! … 75361?s=19

Here is the fixed version. FYI - It opens. Now I need to order a RDV4 with all the bells and whistles.


#7 2019-08-13 18:48:58

Registered: 2018-07-03
Posts: 10

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

The App runs now! Nice Interface and GUI, thanks to the Developers!

Unfortunately the connection works for me only over OTG cable, integrated Bluetooth not yet. (Google Pixel 3 Stock Image, custom Kernel)

With BlueShark I'm getting a

Communication is normall  
Device init error, please check your client version

Dialog. I use the compiled firmware from 20190707 on my proxmark3.

BTW/FYI: make sure your android is running in english, because if you have a language other than english, the app is in Chinese wink


#8 2019-08-13 18:51:45

Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 14

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

Now, we need dark mode in it. !

This is a NEED not a want! ??♥️


#9 2019-08-13 19:21:36

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

Its that strange matching to firmware version.

Someone with decompilation skills?  Send me a decompiled version smile


#10 2019-08-13 19:57:53

Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 14

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

iceman wrote:

Its that strange matching to firmware version.

Someone with decompilation skills?  Send me a decompiled version smile

I didn't look too hard. But isn't it in the link I posted? Above?


#11 2019-08-14 01:31:37

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

The zip says compiled and that link leads to a webdownload requiring a login.


#12 2019-08-14 03:32:52

Registered: 2019-08-11
Posts: 14

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

iceman wrote:

The zip says compiled and that link leads to a webdownload requiring a login.

use apktool


#13 2019-09-01 18:53:11

Registered: 2019-07-26
Posts: 8

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app


Hi. Sorry for the noob question.

I have installed the app on my android and it informed me that the firmware needs to match and provides the link as which forwards to - RRG / Iceman repo - Proxmark3 ~ bleeding edge ~

I followed the instructions to install this via Mac and I get the following:

bigbrother$ sudo proxmark3-flasher /dev/tty.usbmodemicema1 -b /usr/local/Cellar/proxmark3/HEAD-b4400bb/share/firmware/bootrom.elf /usr/local/Cellar/proxmark3/HEAD-b4400bb/share/firmware/fullimage.elf
[=] Session log /Users/bigbrother/.proxmark3/log_20190901.txt
[+] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear on /dev/tty.usbmodemicema1           
[+] Entering bootloader...           
[+] (Press and release the button only to abort )         
[+] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear on /dev/tty.usbmodemicema1           
....... Found           
[!!] ====================== OBS ! ===========================================           
[!!] Note: Your bootloader does not understand the new CMD_BL_VERSION command           
[!!] It is recommended that you first update your bootloader alone,           
[!!] reboot the Proxmark3 then only update the main firmware
[=] Available memory on this board: UNKNOWN
[!!] ====================== OBS ! ======================================           
[!!] Note: Your bootloader does not understand the new CHIP_INFO command           
[!!] It is recommended that you first update your bootloader alone,           
[!!] reboot the Proxmark3 then only update the main firmware
[=] Permitted flash range: 0x00100000-0x00140000         
[!!] Could not open file /usr/local/Cellar/proxmark3/HEAD-b4400bb/share/firmware/bootrom.elf  >>>           
[!!] Aborted on error.         

Have a nice day!         

Please could someone lend some advice, help, or suggestions


Last edited by bigbrother (2019-09-01 20:48:43)


#14 2019-09-01 19:57:17

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

The instructions isn't very clear on proxgrinds's page.  You will need to download the Android compatible fw version.

(12 – Aug – 2019):
Android App Compatible

If you have questions about it,  you will need to email android at 

About your output,  how about follow the instructions it says?  The RRG/Iceman repo is quite well documented so you find all information regarding compiling/flashing/running.  Good starting point is the readme.


#15 2019-09-03 14:13:10

Registered: 2018-10-13
Posts: 12

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

Hi Everyone!
Lucky owner of a PM3 RDV4 and the bluetooth add-on, I am playing with it today!
Some troubles to connect it with my linux but it seemed to be an issue with my computer, which is now solved. It works now perfectly!

I downloaded also the RRG app and tried to connect the PM3 but even with pairing PM3 with my phone and entered pin code, the connecting page in the app stayed with "404 not found device, dropdown refresh".
I did the steps again and again but without good results. I tried with 2 differents phones :  Crosscall action X3 and an HUAWEI HONOR 7.
May the issue come from the phone?


#16 2019-09-03 20:07:53

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

...did you download the android adapted firmware from proxgrinds site?


#17 2019-09-04 14:54:19

Registered: 2018-10-13
Posts: 12

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

Hi Iceman!
I did dowload the proxgrind firmware on different phones. I have some errors messages (i took a screenshot). I would be nice to post it here if you want to take a look. It seems that it's a permission issue ("....illegal state exception....")
For the moment, it doesn't work on :
Crosscall action x3, ANDROID VERSION 7.1.2
huawei honor 7, ANDROID VERSION 6.0.1
Samsung galaxy A3, ANDROID VERSION 6.0.1
Samsung galaxy S5

Anyway, last test is on a Samsung A8 2018 with android 9. Full success!
PM3 is back on track!


#18 2019-10-02 07:46:57

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 133

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

After success dump, there is no such file in the directery, anyone can help??????????
file ”hf-mf-B40A982D-data.bin“ is missing and no place to find...Strange!!WTF!!  I tried on different android phone and same problem!!!
I have give the full read and write privelege of such directory

[=] Reading sector access bits...         
[+] Finished reading sector access bits         
[=] Dumping all blocks from card...         
[+] successfully read block  0 of sector  0.         
[+] successfully read block  1 of sector  0.         
[+] successfully read block  2 of sector  0.         
[+] successfully read block  3 of sector  0.         
[+] successfully read block  0 of sector  1.         
[+] successfully read block  1 of sector  1.         
[+] successfully read block  2 of sector  1.         
[+] successfully read block  3 of sector  1.         
[+] successfully read block  0 of sector  2.         
[+] successfully read block  1 of sector  2.         
[+] successfully read block  2 of sector  2.         
[+] successfully read block  3 of sector  2.         
[+] successfully read block  0 of sector  3.         
[+] successfully read block  1 of sector  3.         
[+] successfully read block  2 of sector  3.         
[+] su...


+] successfully read block  3 of sector 15.         
[+] time: 52 seconds
[+] Succeded in dumping all blocks
[!] file not found or locked. '/sdcard/NfcTools/pm3/hf-mf-B40A982D-data.bin '         
[+] saved 64 blocks to text file /sdcard/NfcTools/pm3/hf-mf-B40A982D-data-2.eml           
[+] saved to json file /sdcard/NfcTools/pm3/hf-mf-B40A982D-data-2.json           

Please focus this:
[!] file not found or locked. '/sdcard/NfcTools/pm3/hf-mf-B40A982D-data.bin '     

There is no such file in this directery, anyone can help??????????

Last edited by yukihama (2019-10-02 08:14:14)


#19 2019-10-02 18:50:01

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,514

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

Maybe post an issue at the repo?


#20 2020-02-06 01:23:07

Registered: 2020-02-03
Posts: 23

Re: [blueshark] RRG RFID Tools app

I downloaded the android compatible firmware from proxgrind site which came with the files to run a compatible windows client too. But, how can I also use this same firmware that works on android/windows with a mac os client? Of course, the latest iceman build installed by homebrew per repo instructions doesn't communicate properly with the proxmark3 device now, since I am assuming the android compatible firmware is an older version than the homebrew formulas put on.

Any way to have a firmware version that works with android, windows, and mac os clients?


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